Dear Editor,
However much that I am in agreement with Ms Ryhaan Shah and her quotes about human identity (SN, May 18), I do think that to consider ourselves first in the international (or marketing) arena as other than ‘Guyanese’ is counterproductive and divisive.
I love my own historic origins and I respect those of other Guyanese. I am also proud of the array of cultures from which I have emerged and I hold that as an identity equal to that of my historic origins. Those two, in combination, constitute my Guyanese identity. They are neither separate identities nor superior to each other. I will not hold them up schizophrenically, as a matter of convenience, to be waved for recognition depending on my audience.
In conclusion, No, I will not support any movement to sign any document for the removal of the UN Resident Coordinator. To do so would be absurd.
Yours faithfully,
James Inasi