Sautéed Pumpkin & Spinach

Sautéed Pumpkin & Callaloo (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)


Sometimes many of the combinations and things I cook, and the dishes I come up with are borne out of happenstance, experimentation, making do or laziness. Take this dish of fried (sautéed) pumpkin and callaloo, the small piece of pumpkin was left back from a larger piece I had used earlier in the week and the 1 bag of spinach would not have sufficed to be cooked by itself, hence I decided to combine them. In this instance, it was a matter of making do with what I had on hand.

Given that these are 2 quick cooking vegetables that can also yield moisture, it took just a little more effort to combine them perfectly. The ‘trick’ is to cook the pumpkin first to a stage where it is almost done cooking and then add the spinach. Wilting the spinach before adding it to