Dear Editor,
The Independent Party (IP) wishes to thank all Guyanese for participating in the process of electing a new government. Their participation regardless of which political party they supported is the very essence of democracy. It is the simplest and most precious democratic act but it is not the only one that we as Guyanese must come to recognize.
Guyanese elected a government in good faith and must, in good faith hold them accountable to their commitment via a manifesto, and to their performance in government. They must do this not because they are anti the newly elected body or pro another party, but because it is their right and responsibility to do so. They should do it for Guyana.
All politicians are accountable to the people and are required to respect the laws of our country. Good governance must mean that beyond voting, we are able to participate either directly or through elected and other representatives. This is enshrined in our constitution and is not a favour that politicians grant us. All our people must be included and benefit from an equitable system of distribution of the nation’s resources.
The newly elected government must be held accountable for its stewardship and be transparent in practices so that every Guyanese is aware of how their tax dollars are being spent. We all expect a deepening of our financial accountability systems, and the forensic audits that are proposed are a step in the right direction.
The Independent Party congratulates the newly elected government for their very first venture mobilizing the business community and citizens along with the Mayor and City Councillors to clean up the city of Georgetown. The spirit of goodwill is in the air as Guyanese look to the coalition to improve the quality of our living and livelihoods.
The Independent Party however wishes to remind the people of Guyana that the vote they cast was for a coalition government. The appearance of this must continue to be evident and must be nurtured, for any union, as history has taught us, can be fractured or become disunited. It is therefore imperative that we hold the AFC and the APNU accountable for making decisions after full consultation with each other. This will augur well not only as an image booster, but to deepen the credibility of the coalition upon which Guyanese rest their trust and hope. It’s time for Guyana to breathe again!
The Independent Party notes the statements and refutations of both the current and former Presidents with regards to an invitation to form a government of national unity. Before such an arrangement is made IP urges that the two parties engage in a transparent process of national consultation. Such consultation should include an analysis of the current parliamentary, regional and local government system that allows for the devolution of power. This system with added supportive laws can be strengthened in areas of financing and to give greater autonomy to policy development.
Yours faithfully,
Mark A Benschop
Independent Party