Minister of Social Protection Volda Lawrence was the guest of honour at a ceremony organised by the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex’s Akbar Hussain Lecture Hall yesterday.GINA said that in expressing her appreciation for the gesture, the minister made two requests of her hosts, “One, that you pray for wisdom not only for the government, but for all of us. Wisdom is my key word, and I trust God that it will be my key word for the next five years because as a child growing up in Guyana and as an adult, I always hear of all the potential we have, but it seems as though we lack the wisdom to be able to take it to the higher level… The next thing I’m going to ask you to pray for is humbleness. All of us, irrespective of where we came from and irrespective of what portfolio we hold, that we will walk in humility. That we will humble ourselves and in doing that we will recognise that we will have to humble our hearts.”