Bashment Granny and the trends and traditions of roots theatre

A Bashment Granny 3 poster

Last week we analysed the rise of two productions in the Guyanese popular theatre in the context of trends that have developed in the Caribbean region and in Guyana. While many critical accounts do not take them very seriously, they are, one might say, much too popular and much too prominent on the Caribbean stage not to be taken seriously. Furthermore, they represent significant developments in the theatre since 1970 and have roots in very strong theatrical traditions that are even much older.

20101003artsonsundayBashment Granny 3 by Paul O Beal directed by BL Allen with Shebada in the lead role is a Jamaican popular comedy that is a very good illustration of many of the characteristics of this contemporary popular theatre. It is now being performed in Guyana, hosted by L Brothers Entertainment. The Jamaican company, RBT Productions Ltd is touring Guyana, and this touring theatre is only one of the significant developments in the comic theatre being reviewed here.

There are many characteristics of Bashment Granny 3 that represent trends, traditions and treatments that are important here. These include the tour of Guyana by the play, the Shebada factor, that it is a sequel, the style of comic performance, that it is a