Stabroek News

A 1 am ‘curfew’ would be more appropriate

Dear Editor,

Minister Ramjattan must be commended for his sincere effort against crime and we know he does not have a double standard. This is crime perpetuated for 28 years +23 years. For a small country like Guyana, the crime rate is high and every method must be employed to curb it. The Minister is also responding to our call for safety.

The ‘curfew’ should be at 12 am instead of 2 am, but for social reasons 1 am will be more appropriate, like most of the foreign countries. Most of the criminal acts take place after midnight. Therefore, it is imperative to keep the non-criminals, the good people, and indirectly the criminals, off the roads and away from the rum shops after midnight, so that the police can stop and check a fewer number of vehicles, and can more easily recognize the suspected criminals. We cannot have our cake and eat it too.

Yours faithfully,

Joe Persuad

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