Stabroek News

Happy with budget

Dear Editor,

I wish to state that I am very pleased with the 2015 budget so far. I particularly appreciate the respect the budget has shown for the services provided by public servants at the base categories. It is important that the government as an employer conducts its relationship with its employees in a way that dignifies their work.

In addition, I am happy for the way the budget treated the pensioners in relation to the monthly pension. Nevertheless, I am a little disappointed that the budget did not provide for safe and appropriate transportation for our pensioners, especially those living on the West Bank of Demerara. The government should seriously consider a ferry system as an alternative to the speedboats for pensioners and children.

I am also disappointed that milk and cheese are not among the items listed for zero VAT; these are basic and essential items for nutrition. At least milk should have been in there; milk is too expensive for the average Guyanese.

Overall I have titled the 2015 budget, ‘The dignity and respect Budget’.

Yours faithfully,
Audreyanna Thomas

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