Stabroek News

The government should be given an opportunity to implement its objectives

Dear Editor,


All the daily papers publish on a regular basis reports of political events, and explanations accompany these articles seeking to justify the claims made. While I wish to admit that these attempts ought to be encouraged, I must state that the views expressed must at all times be above party politics.

So far the PPP/Civic had an opportunity to establish what they considered the best way forward for Guyana over the last 23 years. However in the last general election the electorate voted for a change, and as a result we have a new government. It is my view that this new government should be given an opportunity to establish the principles and objectives it promised the electorate if it were put in power.

However, whenever I look at the daily newscast, every time the Secretary for the PPP/C holds a press conference I get the impression that everything this new government attempts to do is wrong, and that the only persons who know what is right for the people of Guyana are the PPP/Civic.

Most times the views expressed are ridiculous. Take for example the Secretary, who has said that he is in support of a commission of enquiry into the death of the Minister of Agriculture who was murdered during the period of the Jagdeo administration. The reason given is that the Secretary, who is a former Minister of Home Affairs, is aware that the police know who did the killing.

I consider the statement to be disrespectful to the intelligence of the people of Guyana. What the PPP/C seems to be doing is trying to create obstacles so as to distract the present government from proceeding with what it has promised to do and engage in all these matters raised. So at the end of this new government’s term nothing much would have been achieved.

I am not saying that the government ought not to take cognizance of what the PPP/C is saying and doing. But at the same time they should not allow themselves to be diverted off course.


Yours faithfully,

Jonas M F Coddett

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