Stabroek News

Why not a Berbice bridge shuttle service?

Dear Editor,

The current state of affairs between the Berbice Bridge Company Inc and the Government of Guyana reflects poorly on all sides and on Guyana as a nation, with the company seeking to negotiate on behalf of shareholders and the government seeking the interest of the general public, no common ground has been identified and solutions proposed. Instead the government is proposing to go into competition with the BBCI with the introduction of a water taxi service, which is as short-sighted and backward a solution as can be conceived.

I would suggest a far more convenient and safe solution would be if the government could work together with the BBCI to introduce a bridge shuttle service at a low cost; this would potentially increase the BBCI revenue and could lead to a reduction in tolls without the taxpayer having to provide a subsidy. A spin-off industry would see taxis and buses parked on both banks of the Berbice River to collect the shuttle passengers and continue their journey.

It is time we think of solutions for the benefit of the people instead of adversarial positions of government and private enterprise.


Yours faithfully,

Robin Singh

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