Dear Editor,
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Ms Kanhai’s letter titled ‘When will GWI restore water to Non Pareil, Coldingen?’ published in SN on Friday September 11.
The Coldingen Well Station experienced significant operational challenges on Monday August 31. These challenges severely affected the production levels of the well station and GWI was forced to commence immediate repairs.
The affected areas included Coldingen Housing Scheme (Tract A), Industrial Site Coldingen, Block 12 Non Pareil, Section B and Section D Non Pareil and Block XXX Non Pareil.
On Monday August 31 GWI commenced radio and television advisories informing affected customers about the challenges as well as the fact that the repairs would require 3 to 4 days. Announcements via ‘loud speaker’ were also executed in the affected communities.
On Friday, September 4, it was determined that the challenges with the Coldingen Well Station were more severe than was previously anticipated. Hence a further advisory via radio and television was issued indicating that GWI would require additional days in order to return the station to normal operation.
A press statement was also disseminated to all print and electronic media via the company’s Public Relations Depart-ment on Monday, September 9, which provided further details on the delay in returning normal service to customers served by the Coldingen Well Station.
On Thursday, September 10, GWI’s Operations Department commenced a camera inspection to aid in determining the cause of the station’s production challenges. This required additional days in which the well would be out of operation. Customers were further advised of this via radio and television advisories as well as posts via the company’s social media pages.
Executive Director, Opera-tions, Joseph Codette has confirmed that all repair works were completed on Friday, September 11, and water service returned to all affected communities on Friday afternoon.
Guyana Water Inc sincerely apologizes for the delay in returning normal service to affected customers and wishes to assure that every effort is being made to avoid a recurrence. GWI wishes to express gratitude to all affected customers for their patience and understanding.
Customers are reminded that information on service disruptions is available via the GWI Customer Services Call Centre on 227-8701, 227-8703, 227-8704 or e-mail [email protected] and [email protected]
Updated service information is also posted via GWI’s website, and Facebook fan-page:
Yours faithfully,
Timothy Austin
Public Relations Officer
Guyana Water Inc