Six more fined for DUI

Ishwar Ragheebir

Six more persons were fined after they admitted to driving under the influence of alcohol.

Romesh Chunnu
Romesh Chunnu
Ishwar Ragheebir
Ishwar Ragheebir

According to a police press release, on August 9, Tejram Naresh of Number 2 Settlement, Blairmont, West Bank Berbice, was stopped in motor vehicle HC 4615 on the Blairmont Public Road; Ron Singh of Lot 1 Number 64 Village, Corentyne, was stopped while driving motor vehicle PPP 9832 on the Number 62 Public Road and Romesh Chunnu, of Lot 186 A Number 67 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, was stopped while driving motor vehicle HC 2770 on the Springlands Public Road, Corentyne.

Additionally, on August 10, Ishwar Ragheebir of Lot 67 Little Diamond, East Bank Demerara, was stopped while driving motor vehicle PMM 9029 in on the Providence Public Road, while on August 15, Latchana Ornahunde of Lot 43 Race Course, Corentyne was stopped driving motor

 Ron Singh
Ron Singh

vehicle BPP 7052 on the Springlands Public Road and Mahendra Sukhai of Lot 25 Number 55 Village, Coren-tyne, was stopped while driving motor vehicle PSS 1107 on the

 Tejram Naresh
Tejram Naresh

Number 62 Public Road.

All six persons were tested with a breathalyzer and were found to be above the legal limit of the consumption of alcohol. They were all charged and appeared before the respective courts in their districts where they all pleaded guilty and were subsequently fined $7,500.

Latchana Ornahunde
Latchana Ornahunde
Mahendra Sukhai
Mahendra Sukhai