A family of six is now homeless after a speeding vehicle knocked a Non Pareil house off its stilts yesterday afternoon.

Eyewitnesses told Stabroek News that the driver of a white Altezza, licence plate PSS 9611 was speeding down the Railway Embankment Road travelling east when the car flipped, travelled across two lots and crashed into Lot 476 Non Pareil, East Coast Demerara. The incident occurred around 5.30 pm.
The two-bedroom home crashed to the ground and shifted east due to the impact. Stabroek News understands that Nicola Lyken was resting and her four young children, all under 10 years, were on the front veranda at the time of the impact.
No one inside the house was seriously injured, however the driver was pitched from the vehicle and is said to be suffering from broken bones. He was rushed to a private hospital. “He smelled like alcohol, a lot…the way his arm twist he was hurt”, one person at the scene stated. Another told this publication “how he flip, how he plunge through them two post and crash. It was the top, the car crash in from the top.”
The woman’s sister was at the scene clearing valuables from the damaged home and told Stabroek News that her brother in law who is currently in the interior was notified and he will be making his way to town in the morning.

She said that her sister called her frantically telling her to go and assess the damage and help to clear away what could be brought to a neighbour’s home for safe-keeping.
The home’s owner, Deon Abrams said that the two-bedroom house which was built in the late 2000’s at a cost of just under $5M, had been damaged after the house next door burned down a week ago.
The scene was littered with broken wood from the house as well as car fragments including a tyre rim that was shattered. Stabroek News was told by someone on the scene that it appeared that the driver of the vehicle lost control after one of the tyre rims looked like it fell off.
Yet another person on the scene said that the car had been drag racing with another vehicle that drove away after the crash.