Stabroek News

Overseas auditor may be retained for scrutiny of GRA – Chairman

The APNU+AFC Govern-ment is considering importing a foreign auditor to examine the works of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA).

This is according to Chairman of the GRA board Rawle Lucas.

In a recent interview with Stabroek News Lucas noted that while he has not seen the report of a recent audit conducted by the government audit department he does know that the “government has indicated that it wants to bring an external auditor to do a complete audit of GRA.”

This auditor, he explained, is not only to be “external to GRA but external to Guyana,” Lucas said.

The reason for such a decision lies in the acknowledgement that many Guyanese auditors “might be biased in one way or another since they will have some relationship with GRA whether positive or negative.”

According to Lucas this relationship could result in a conflict of interest for local auditors.

Since the new government came into power following the May 11 elections they have instituted several audits into state institutions.



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