Sidewalks for Corriverton by end of May – Patterson

Sidewalks will be constructed along the main access road in Corriverton, Region Six (Upper Berbice/Upper Corentyne) before the end of May 2016, Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson says.

He was at the time speaking at the opening ceremony of the town’s 45th anniversary, exhibition and fair, held at Republic Square on Saturday, October 31, 2015, a release from his ministry said yesterday

“I have met with your Councillors and they have proposed the initiative, so before our 50th anniversary next year the sidewalks will be done,” Patterson stated.

Residents were wowed by the lit monument. (Ministry of Public Infrastructure photo)
Residents were wowed by the lit monument. (Ministry of Public Infrastructure photo)

A commitment was also made to farmers, who have appealed to the Minister to upgrade the access road from the fields to the market, the release added.

Patterson told the gathering that outstanding roads and sea defence projects are expected to be completed by the end of the year and added that, “Any excess funds we have, I will ensure the road is resurfaced.”

Under the Government’s ‘Urban Renewal Programme’, the town will gain prominence, the Minister assured.

He challenged the residents to work along with their Councilors to present projects that are unique to their township, adding “you have a Minister who is driven and willing to develop Corriverton.”

Patterson acknowledged that electricity and energy, which falls under his ministry have always been an issue in Region 6.

He disclosed that the Guyana Power and Light is currently rehabilitating two engines under the Skeldon Electricity Inc (SEI) programme, which when completed will see residents receiving adequate power.

“The Finnish company Warstila has been contracted to operate and maintain the SEI and its engineers are currently effecting repairs to the No. 1 and 2 generator sets. I was duly informed that by mid December the repairs will be completed,” the Minister told residents.

Following the opening ceremony, Patterson flipped the switch to the newly renovated Corriverton public monument now brightly lit and surrounded by a fountain.