The encouraging signs of corporate and public interest in the growth and development of the Tain Campus of the University of Guyana needs to be emulated at Turkeyen, the university’s Registrar Dr Nigel Gravesande has said.
“What impressed me as much as anything else during the university’s 14th Annual Convocation at Tain last Saturday was the prominence of the private sector on campus. All of the 16 awards that were handed out that evening were sponsored either by the private sector community or by individual private citizens. I do not think that that level of private involvement was in evidence at the graduation exercise at Turkeyen,” the Registrar said in an exclusive interview with Stabroek Business on Tuesday.
According to Gravesande, “There is clearly an understanding on the part of the business community in Berbice as well as private citizens of the important role that the university has to play in the growth and development of the corporate community and the community as a whole. In a country such as ours where scarce skills are regarded as, perhaps,