Pepsi Sonics and Knights secured second division wins over Republic Bank Nets and Melanie Patriots respectively when the Georgetown Amateur Basketball Association (GABA) 2015 League Championship continued on Sunday.
In the battle for Mandela Avenue, Pepsi Sonics downed fierce rival Nets by a 65-53 margin at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall. Trevor Smith led the rout with 21 points while Earl O’Neil, Jason Squires and Yannick December chipped in with 12, 14 and eighth points respectively.
For the losing team, Mortimer Williams recorded 16 points. Similarly, Knights downed Melanie Patriots by a 60-55 margin. Owan Walton recorded a game high 27 points while Lloyd Bart and Kester Gomes supported with 10 points each.
Sherlan Legall and Ashton Adams were the main scorers with 14 and 13 points respectively. Chipping in with nine points was Floyd Arthur. In the lone U23 divisional fixture, Ravens dismantled Pepsi Sonics by a 73-41 margin.