Christmas shopping in full swing

Come on in! Christmas Shoppers making their way into the Giftland Mall,
Turkeyen East Coast Demerara.
Come on in! Christmas Shoppers making their way into the Giftland Mall, Turkeyen East Coast Demerara.

As Christmas Day draws near, the hustle and bustle of the seasonal shopping continues as everyone is trying to get in on their last minute purchases.

Yesterday, Stabroek News visited the Giftland Mall, at Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara and different sections of Regent Street, Georgetown, to get a glimpse of this year’s Christmas shopping rush. Speaking to some shoppers, they said that their Christmas shopping was going well and that most of the prices on their ‘must have gift list’ were within their budget while, other ‘potential shoppers’ said they are still awaiting their Government-issued $50,000 Christmas bonus to complete their shopping.

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