A seaman yesterday denied knowledge of burgling the house of a long-time friend and instead told a city court that he blacked out after a night of drinking.

It was alleged that Shawn English, 36, of 128 Duncan Street, Newtown, Kitty, broke and entered the house of Mark Niles and stole a cellphone, valued at $70,000, and $160,000 in cash.
English pleaded guilty to the charge but Magistrate Fabayo Azore entered a not guilty plea on his behalf after he offered an explanation to the court.
The accused told the court that on the night of the breaking and entering, he had been drinking outside the house and fell and hit his head. He then related that when he awoke, Niles had been asking for his phone, which was later discovered at the defendant’s house. English said that Niles claimed too that money was missing but he said he had no knowledge of taking any of the items as he could not remember anything that happened. He did state, however, that he was willing to work to pay the money off.
The prosecution did not object to bail and Niles later related that English’s family had agreed to repay the cash.
English was placed on $65,000 bail and the matter has been adjourned to February 4th..