Dear Editor,
I write in relation to an article that appeared in your edition of Monday, January 4 captioned ‘Hydronie NDC head insists that inferior material used on road.’ It was stated in the article that, “Further, the REO said that there was a public tender and as NDC chairman, Dookie had tendered for the contract and that was a conflict of interest.
“His tendering did not meet the requirement in terms of documents; his NIS and GRA compliance were not submitted … and it was far in excess.”
Editor, I am shocked and confused by this statement. I was never and am not, nor do I intend to be, a contractor of any sort. Why the REO is side-tracking the main issue is worrying, and that is that the NDC advertised for the supply of crusher run and the contractor supplied “quarry cleaning” containing approximately 40% loam and 10% large stone that cannot be used on a chip-seal road. The NDC kept the REO informed at every step of the process on the council’s position, and he advised accordingly. The NDC’s position was always consistent; that the material was substandard. Why is this issue of conflict of interest now surfacing? It sounded suspicious and can only undermine the relationship between the REO and the NDC. The council that I have chaired for some time now prides itself in avoiding conflict of interest and ensuring value for the taxpayers’ money, something we shall continue to pursue vigorously.
I am distressed that the REO who is supposed to support us in this pursuit is trying to sully my name, but of course the residents know differently.
Yours faithfully,
Milton Dookie
Hydronie-Good Hope
Neighborhood Democratic Council