Parents should not carry infants on their motorcycles

Dear Editor,

Mr Ian McDonald in one of his many beautiful articles in the Sunday Stabroek, a few months ago, wrote about the tragedy of the death of a child in a vehicular accident; his article was haunting, and poignant.

Today, once more, a child (a baby), has died, as a result of carelessness on our roads.

Every day I see them: parents on their motor cycles blasting down the roads, throwing caution to the winds, with two or more children on their motorcycles; sometimes the pillion rider may have a baby in their hands.

The law applicable to the wearing of the appropriate safety helmet for motorcyclists and pillion riders, along with the number of pillion riders carried thereon seems to have gone the way of the Dodo. Something has to be done to curb the reckless behaviour of parents who continue to carry infants/children on their motorcycles, in a manner which may result in death or injury to the infant/child in the event of an accident.

Let this latest death of a baby be the catalyst for a change in our attitudes and behaviour on our roads.


Yours faithfully,

C S Vaughn