Police in Berbice are investigating the torching of a metal cabinet, resulting in the destruction of over $10 million in pension and public assistance books, at the Ministry of Social Prote-ction’s Probation and Welfare Services Office at Princess Elizabeth Road, in New Amsterdam.
The discovery was made just after 08:20 hrs yesterday, when a senior probation officer resumed duty after the weekend break.
Although employees at the location were reluctant to speak, stating that permission had to be sought from their superiors, sources close to the investigation confirmed that the incident occurred sometime over the weekend.

The perpetrator was alleged to have gained access by prising open a northern window on the second flat of the three-storey building. Once inside the office of a probation officer, the burglar, who was likely armed with a welding torch, attempted to cut open the metal cabinet which was fitted with a diagonal iron bar and padlock. However, instead of cutting the iron bar, the torch apparently set alight the pension and public assistance books which were stored in the top drawer. The intruder then seemed to have abandoned the exercise.
However, although the building is guarded by a private security firm, none of the guards reported anything unusual.
It was not until a worker entered the office yesterday that the discovery was made.
As a result of the incident, scores of beneficiaries who had visited the office yesterday, were told to return at a later date, as the relevant books were not available.