A concerned citizen is calling on city authorities to look into the continued dumping of garbage in front of her premises along Brickdam.

The woman, who did not want to be identified, told Stabroek News yesterday morning that she has gotten so fed up that she refuses to clean the garbage, which has been deposited regularly over the past two weeks.
While it is unknown who has been dumping the garbage, the woman said that she is of the belief that it is the work of vagrants, who have been hired to dispose of refuse for various business people. “For the past 10 years I have been maintaining this place on my own, cleaning the drain and so on,” she stated.
Asked whether she has attempted to complain to the relevant authorities, she answered in the affirmative, while saying that she has reached the point where she has given up hope. “Every day before I leave this place to go home, I ensure it’s tidy and to come in the morning and see garbage scattered all over in front is frustrating,” she added.
She also decried the fact that despite the ongoing city-wide clean-up campaign that is part of efforts to promote a green economy, there are still persons who continue to litter the environment.