SOCU, SARU, CANU, GRA, FIU, etc: Securing us?

 – truth and healing

The Special (?) Organised Crime Unit, the State Assets Recovery (?) Unit, the Financial Intelligence (?) Unit, The Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit, the Investigative Arms of our National Revenue Authority, the newer “units” and departments under the Police, especially Mr Blanhum’s Criminal Investigation Department CID- all the above, before and after the APNU+AFC installation in the corridors of authority, power and responsibility, were/are meant to secure us, taxpayers and law-abiding citizens, from those who pilfer(ed) our Public Purse.

Those entities mentioned above are also tasked with identifying and prosecuting all those who (allegedly) were successful in stealing our State’s assets and various types of resources. Up front, I’d like to request that the authorities explain in simple layman’s language, just what is the remit, the specific tasks, of each agency. I do not mean every single detail of planned or typical operations because that would compromise the very essence of their existence and role. But we the taxpayers, often the ultimate victims, should be privy to how theses revitalised investigative and collection institutions will punish those executive, political crooks and secure and restore much of