Stabroek News

Georgetown Debate was an all-male affair

Dear Editor,

In principle, it was a positive initiative of the Under the Tamarind Tree company to sponsor the Georgetown Debate 2016 featuring representatives from 6 parties contesting the local government elections, which was held on Saturday, March 5 at the Theatre Guild. What was negative was that of the 6 parties contesting not one representative was a woman candidate. And this event took place at a date close to that of March 8, when the advancement and achievements of women are observed in an ongoing effort worldwide to realise gender equality and gender justice.

Though there was zero representation of women debaters at the event, the Gecom LGE listings show a healthy number of women candidates from all contesting parties.

Perhaps the Tamarind Tree company is contemplating another debate featuring only women candidates to set the balance right? Though, it must be said that there was no indication from the invitation that it was male candidates’ night – it just stated “representative candidates”. And all 6 parties duly chose to be represented by men only.

Interestingly, the byline reads: “The Georgetown Debate is an initiative of the ‘Under the Tamarind Tree Inc.’, a company dedicated to sharing and providing a voice to those who quite often are without access to power, overlooked and disregarded.” Okay – this is a very good and noble mission; just wondering then, how come the voice of women were “overlooked” and “disregarded” in the Georgetown Debate 2016?

Come on women candidates – Let’s hear your voice!

Tamarind Tree and LGE parties all: Step it up for gender equality!

Yours faithfully,
Vanda Radzik

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