Electing (and selecting) an American President

Greetings! As I hereby present one of my very brief – and rather escapist – pieces today.

This means that I’m leaving our own “significant issues of national import” – Local Government Elections, El Nino Drought, Jail Riots, etc – to others competent.

I still manage to afford cable television so my old political instincts have me a bit addicted to the intrigue, conflict, tensions, real drama – and humour, all embedded in the “Race for the American White House” – meaning the American Presidential Elections 2016.

There is hardly any place in the Global Village of Planet Earth that wouldn’t pause to attend to the who and how of those elections. The American President is still described correctly or wrongly, as the “Leader of The Free World”. Even though that was more apt when communism ruled the Soviet Union and China and dictatorships subjugated Africa and Latin America. But the American economy is still pivotal to global business, no matter what the economic status of China, Japan or the oil–blessed Arab States, who are relatively stingy, compared to the West. So the choice and victory of an American leader still captures the world’s attention. I’m certainly captive these nights.


A candidate and chaos: Mr.Trump!

As in no recent previous Presidential campaign has the American electoral landscape been dominated – his detractors might prefer “contaminated” – by a Candidate who has injected flair, friction and fear to such levels as to cause “the Establishment” utter consternation, panic and the circling of old Republican Wagons.

I’m referring to candidate Donald Trump who, probably bored with his millions¸ has decided to contest for the Grand Old Party (GOP) nomination. He feels, as the GOP nominee, he can defeat old friend Hillary Clinton in the national contest for the Presidency.

So for those of you who read me but are not that interested in American electoral politics, allow me to present my “excitement” based on the following developments – from my own perspective, of course.

To me, much of America would like to experience the unique – for the USA – “novelty” of a female President and Commander–in–Chief. But Hillary brings dubious baggage since her husband was Governor of Arkansas. However, Frankly Speaking, today’s world has new heroes and role–models. (A successful hustler is to be admired and to the dickens with old–time morality.) Minorities like Clinton as Democrats still attract the underdogs.

Strangely, her 74–year-old rival Bernie Sanders, has his appeal for the young and the dispossessed but his Democratic Socialism is not yet that American.

But it is Candidate Trump that has turned tradition upside down. The man has gained sworn enemies in both major parties. The angry, disillusioned and thousands of new or reticent republicans are backing him enough to really upset his own Party’s faithful. There are also those, I suspect, who regard Trump as a symbol of old (white) American values even as America is turning brown!

As I write, his fiercest rival is one of two Hispanic–descended would–be nominees – Ted Cruz. At this stage (Tuesday 8th March), if Cruz does not prevail in what are called “primaries” there is talk of a brokered or contested Republican Convention in July.

Lobbying and two sets of voting can take place there if the delegate–count is now denied Trump. Last weekend, many mega–CEO’s of American Industry met “in secret” to explore, nay to promote ways to undermine and derail the Trump Train. Reportedly, they are concerned about their multi-national corporations, given Trump’s indications of annulling China’s aggression against the American economy plus Mexico’s immigrant labour and of course, his strange stance on Arab Muslims.

By far, this is America’s most robust and complex Election Campaign in decades.


Trump and our World

I’m not savvy about Republican Presidents’ attitudes and policies towards the Caribbean. There is a Caribbean Basin Initiative but would Mr President Trump – or his advisers- know or care about our segment of the world?

Has he ever heard of Guyana? Jim Jones’ suicides? (Hey I think he met a Guyanese Miss World/ Universe (?) contestant Meleesa Payne (?). I suggest that you develop an interest in American politics between now and November. (Even as you vote here next Friday)


The Granger inquiries, audits

I’ll find some way to mention the pledges of Dr Clive Thomas and Vice- President Ramjattan who have vowed to charge and prosecute the executive thieves of our assets, every week.

Now I am aware that through the man-in-the-street, actors intimately involved in an enterprise over decades can know, relative accurately, just what is wrong with a system or an event, anecdotal or custom-and-practice evidence might not be adequate, in terms of reasons, even recommendations. Today’s society and administrations require scientific investigations, followed by tried-and-tested proposals.

Hence the cynic’s description of the Granger Administration as an “Audit-and-inquiry Government.” Since the May/June assumption, some 50 audits have been ordered along with numerous Commissions of Inquiry- into sugar, mining, Public Service, Prisons etc. The one regarding Dr Rodney’s death has been aborted and some comrades want inquiries into many more events- Sash Sawh’s deaths and the execution of 200/400 young men among others. (Incidentally, where did the 200/400 figure(s) come from?)

Well I must go along with solid, scientific investigations on behalf of the citizens. Millions have to be spent. Will we get worth? But tell me: Do the principal players concerned not know about the fundamental problems besetting sugar and the prisons, for example? Give me a break. And should not certain key decision-makers of the wretched PPP/C “administrations” be punished and/or exiled for what they knew and caused?

I await now what the top two American Reps in Kingston, Georgetown called for: Full disclosure of the numerous Audits completed. Is the government to be forgiving? “Compassionate” over stolen resources? What no criminality discovered? Upright Guyanese await the findings!

Just think…

.1) I agree: Identify or construct quickly a maximum security facility for the incorrigible recidivists and the high profile, dangerous inmates. (In your second five–years build a new prison with American guidance.)

.2) Congrats my friend Hamley C. (But I’m considering SN’s Tuesday’s editorial thoughts: “The fact that it is difficult to think of too many Guyana foreign service officers who, over the past twenty–five years, having worked from ground up in the system have been appointed heads of mission raises pertinent questions about the wisdom of anticipating a meaningful career in the Guyana Foreign Service”.

.3) Name five (5) things the Civil Defence Commission is doing about the El Nino drought.

Til next week!

([email protected])