The Cheddi Jagan International Airport Corporation (CJIAC) has introduced a system which is designed to provide a hassle-free experience for arriving passengers at Timehri.
A release from the CJIAC yesterday said that the system was implemented on March 12, 2016 to positive feedback.
“When passengers leave Customs and enter the Greeters Hall they could choose to remain in the enclosed area within the protection of the barriers and wait to be picked up. Additionally, it would prevent any solicitation from illegal Taxi Operatives. Also passengers would not be subjected to the harassment of illegal baggage handlers in the car park,” said Andre Kellman, the airport’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer.
From today, the airport’s Customer Service Repre-sentatives (CSRs) would be distributing flyers to airport users and passengers to sensitise them on this initiative.
The release said that the flyer outlines how the system works. Motorists could now leave the parking lot, gain entry through the designated barrier and collect their relatives and friends at the Greeters Hall curbside, ensuring the arriving passengers are not affected by bad weather.
Airport Security Offi-cers are stationed at the barriers to assist with crowd control and direct the traffic flow.
According to Kellman, the retractable stanchions currently used would be replaced shortly with “a more solid structure”.
“Our Engineers are currently preparing some designs for management’s review and approval. I anticipate before May 2016 a more permanent structure would be in place,” he stated in the press release.