Dear Editor,
I am fully aware that the law often works in mysterious ways, and that justice is only occasionally one of the wonders it performs. But, cynicism aside, I believe we must require better from our justice system than we have witnessed in the Colwyn Harding case.
A healthy young man is taken into police custody, and is released from that custody with a perforated colon requiring surgical repair. Physically and, no doubt, psychologically, the young man will never again experience the well-being that he enjoyed before his fateful encounter with the police at Timehri.
Personally I am not satisfied that justice has been done ‒ notwithstanding the legal shibboleths. Evidently we all have abundant reason to fear those whose mandate it is to serve and protect.
Is the matter closed? Or can we hope for a full investigation into what happened at Timehri?
Yours faithfully,
Joyce Jonas