The creation of a regime of good order at mining locations that enables the efficient, legally acceptable and environmentally sustainable exploitation of the country’s mineral resources can only be realized through a combination of effective enforcement of mining laws on the one hand and the preparedness of the miners themselves to adhere to those laws.
“There are challenges on both sides and a lot of effort is going into addressing those challenges by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) on the one hand and the investors and workers in the mining industry, on the other,” Minister in the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment Simona Broomes has told the Stabroek Business.
Broomes, who was reassigned to the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry in January of this year and who has since been holding weekly ‘open’ meetings with stakeholders in the sector including miners, employees and GGMC officials said that a critical part of the objective of her meetings is to “help create a better official understanding of the nature of the challenges facing the industry” in order to