Dear Editor,
With regards to the news item `Ramsaran to face trial for allegedly insulting activist’ (SN Apr 19) is this a politically motivated trial (a political circus) to embarrass the former Minister and or his party? Is this going to be a partisan prosecution?
Anyone who breaks the law should and must be prosecuted. If Dr Bheri broke the law, he must face the court. But the public prosecutor must be fair and non partisan in consistently going after lawbreakers. Don’t target PPP affiliates; go after all lawbreakers regardless of political association.
The alleged victim Ms Sherlina Nageer is reported to have provoked, harassed and intimidated the minister. The minister, according to eyewitness reports, was prevented from executing his public duties. If these are indeed facts, should Ms Nageer also face prosecution?
The reports said the minister responded in self defence; his behaviour was unbecoming of a public official and he was roundly condemned including by this writer. But Ms Nageer interfered with and prevented the minister from conducting his business.
That is a criminal act if indeed that is what happened as alleged by witnesses and as reported in the media. She should also be prosecuted as indeed anyone else who has broken the law.
It was reported in the media and shown on YouTube that the daughter of a ranking PNC official stripped and urinated in public on stage on the flag of the PPP and then set the flag on fire as the audience cheered. That is a criminal act. Will she be prosecuted?
Several individuals were filmed beating political activists of the PPP during the election campaign. Will they be charged? There needs to be consistency in prosecuting everyone who engaged in criminal conduct regardless of their politics or party affiliation. Opposition officials should not be selectively targeted.
Yours truly,
Vishnu Bisram