Nagamootoo or Henry could deliver feature address

Director of Sports Christopher Jones yesterday confirmed that all systems are in place ahead of this evening’s 2015/16 National Sports Commission (NSC) National Sports Awards Ceremony set for the National Cultural Center.

Over the years the National Sports Awards has been honouring the outstanding Guyanese male and female athletes along with sports reporters in both the print and electronic media who have made vital contributions to the continued growth of the sport sector.

Jones told Stabroek Sport yesterday that logistical aspects for the annual ceremony have all been covered as they NSC looks to start theevent promptly at 19:00hrs sharp tonight. According to Jones, the trophies for the awardees which were specially made overseas, have already arrived in Guyana.

20160504SportWhile President David Granger is currently out of the country, Jones said the feature address for this evening’s ceremony will be given by either Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo or Minister within the Ministry of Education, Nicolette Henry.

A more traditional NSA would have seen the various awardees being named publicly. However, this year will be different as the respective awardees have all been contacted privately by the Commission. “All the person who won were contacted and they were told to send a representative if they cannot be present,” said Jones.

Regarding the venue, the National Cultural Center Jones said the landmark building was ready to host the ceremony which it has been facilitating over the recent years. He also added that while the previous NSA’s have been a bit lengthy, this year will see the entire programme, which includes the after cocktail reception being squeezed into 110 minutes in total.

Jones also added that in keeping with the strict timing of the event, persons are asked to be seated by at least 18:45hrs as members of the diplomatic corps scheduled to arrive four minutes prior to the 19:00hrs start, which will be opened with the National Anthem.