Dear Editor,
As the controversy grows surrounding the renaming of the Ogle International Airport it is anyone’s guess why President Granger suggested that the airport be renamed. Equal consideration should have been given to restoring the name Timehri to the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). The renaming of that airport to honour Cheddi Jagan by the previous administration was an injustice done to the indigenous people of this country.
Among the reasons put forward to justify his suggestion that the Ogle airport be renamed the Eugene F Correia International Airport the President said that Mr Correia was not only an aviator but was also a minister of the government and made contributions in the National Assembly. Based on this reasoning the CJIA should be changed to the Stephen Campbell International Airport in honour of the first indigenous parliamentarian, or the Gertrude Fitzpatrick International Airport in tribute to the first female captain or elected village leader in the history of our country.
Yours faithfully,
Patrick Fitzpatrick