Stabroek News

Gouveia’s statements against Granger were disrespectful

Dear Editor,

The letter of Captain Gerry Gouviea, of Roraima Airways captioned ‘Show the evidence that EF Correira contributed significantly to aviation development in Guyana’ speaks volumes. (SN, May 6).

Apart from lacking information, such as the current market share of the various operators out of Ogle Airport for domestic passengers and cargo transport, as well as international market share, and how this market share would be adversely affected with the name change, the letter simply restates that the EF Correia name would give undue advantage to the Correia Group. The statement has no scientific basis, no empirical support and is just the opinion and say-so of Capt Gouviea.

For this reason I would not further engage the aviation mogul on his branding claim, as it is difficult to engage anyone who relies on opinion and not facts. But I do take umbrage at his disrespectful utterances against President David A Granger.

Capt Gouveia’s letter states that he is “…not an easy believer in coincidence. The coincidence of the Correias being a major shareholder and the airport being renamed Correia baffles my mind.” If it is not coincidence then is he saying there was some conspiracy which involves the President himself?

He sarcastically comments on who was the initiator of renaming Ogle Airport, noting that he was told that it came from the President. So what is the point? The President is not a lapdog of anyone, including Capt Gouveia, and I am sure his decision is based on input and careful thought. Moreover, Capt Gouveia’s conspiracy theory is reckless, and unless he supplies hard solid evidence to support his views, he should publicly apologize. It is one thing to pout, throw tantrums and complain, and it is another to impliedly accuse President Granger of conspiring with Capt Gouveia’s competitors to reduce Gouveia and others’ market share. This is very serious stuff and all right-thinking persons must object to such scandalous outpourings.

Capt Gouveia’s personal attack on EF Correia’s worthiness for such acclaim can be best answered by the government and relatives of the late gentleman. What is noted in Gouveia’s letter is a charge levelled at the Correia Group for anti-competitive and other behaviour. Their attorneys would be best able to deal with such issues.

I am concerned about the outrageous and disrespectful statements of Capt Gouveia against President Granger including claims of undemocratic behaviour. I have never seen or read anywhere ‒ but maybe I missed it ‒ where Capt Gouveia ever called or labelled Presidents Cheddi Jagan, Janet Jagan, Sam Hinds, Bharrat Jagdeo or Donald Ramotar undemocratic.

Capt Gouveia’s statements are political and not business, unless he is confusing the two and cannot distinguish the difference.

Yours faithfully,

Jerome Khan

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