There are precious few iconic dates and times in one’s lifetime that come to mind with total recall as to when and where one was when a particular cataclysmic event took place. Some would recall vividly where they were when they got the news that President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963, or what they were doing precisely when they heard that the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr was shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968, or exactly what time and space they occupied on July 20, 1969 as Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon, uttering triumphantly, “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

One such event albeit a sad one and to me one of similar magnitude as the aforementioned, occurred on May 11, 2016 – the sudden transition of West Indies cricket’s foremost authority, the indefatigable Winston Anthony Lloyd Cozier, known to the world as Tony Cozier. It would be forever etched in my mind where I was when I got the shocking news that Tony had passed. It was about 12.30pm on that Wednesday, when in good spirits on a picture perfect day I arrived for my usual workout at the New York Sports Club gym in Brooklyn. I sat in front of my locker and checked for the latest news on my i-phone and there it was on the Stabroek News website, the announcement of the passing of cricket’s most accomplished journalist.