Dear Editor,
All Guyanese are now aware that Guyana has gangs of dope addicts, no different from any big North-American city. The difference is that in North America the police monitor the gangs, and drug addicts are committed to a drug-rehab centre for treatment. In Guyana, nothing is done ‒ no monitoring, no drug-rehab.
I urge the government to establish a unit in the Guyana Police Force to monitor gangs of drug addicts, and have them report to police precincts weekly; this way you will know what they are up to. Open a drug-rehab centre for those who need treatment and stock the place with lots of methadone.
Murders committed as a consequence of drugs is a new category of crime that threatens to sweep this country off its foundations. It is time for Minister Ramjattan to go to cabinet and ask for help.
Three summers ago I taught GED at a drug-rehab centre in New York. It was an eye-opener for me. I got a first-class education on the dangers of narco-drugs and the nature of addiction. Let me say this: if I were to start doing narco-drugs tomorrow, I could become so addicted, I would start stealing anything from anyone to get my next fix. Drug addiction is a very serious matter. It is time for the Granger government to treat this matter with the seriousness it deserves. You are not just dealing with a single homicide any more, but something that threatens to produce a large number of such homicides. Deal with the causes. And, protect the fabric of a normal, law-abiding society.
Yours faithfully,
Mike Persaud