Dear Editor,
We read from SN that several villages within the Better Hope/La Bonne Intention (LBI) Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) were flooded as a result of heavy rainfall between Wednesday night and Thursday morning.
Editor, the cardinal reason for the flooding in Chateau Margot in particular, apart from the sudden and heavy rainfall that deluged this hamlet, is that the authorities at the Better Hope NDC Hope are turning their faces the other way and blocking their ears, not wanting to see and hear the repeated pleas of taxpayers that a concrete culvert at Chateau Margot is blocked with tall bushes and sand and mud.
That culvert is part of the main drainage system for waste and rainfall water to be carried to the pump station which would discharge it into the Atlantic Ocean.
We ask that the media investigate this anomaly that may be deliberately inflicted by the NDC here or the RDC, whose office is at Triumph on the East Coast of Demerara.
As a result of these floods children cannot go to school, building structures are affected, kitchen gardens are flooded out and cattle and poultry suffer, but most of all mothers with young children suffer too.
We now respectfully request that the authority which is responsible for the clearing and desilting of that long and deep two thousand feet long concrete culvert immediately take action and translate verbal promises into action as not only the NDC at Better Hope is responsible but also the RDC, whose office is at Triumph village. Most of all, however, it is the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority’s responsibility to dredge that blocked culvert. Workers with shovels and cutlasses would find this blocked culvert beyond their strength, as it would be a herculean challenge for them.
Yours faithfully,
Rooplall Dudhnath