Stabroek News

There should be a full public inquiry into the drug bond fiasco

Dear Editor,

Has the Public Health Minister George Norton joined the growing list of those playing on the gullibility of the Guyanese populace?  The idea of a mere apology being sufficient atonement for his falsehood in the drug bond fiasco, only serves to add further insult to injury.  In fact, it is a stunning, gut-wrenching blow to the APNU+AFC administration, and their pre-election promise of transparency and accountability.

Here we have the current administration on one hand doing their darnedest to highlight the wrongdoings and skullduggery of the previous government, while others within the same party are running amok committing similar (if not more serious) offences. Even intense grilling and questioning failed to produce the truth, leaving me to wonder if in Guyana the word truth is not viewed or defined in the same way by everyone.

I am calling on the Granger administration to carry out a full public inquiry into this matter, the results of which would surely serve as a foundation for fulfilling the promise of accountability and transparency made to the Guyanese population during the last election campaign. There is too much at stake for the administration to disregard this request.

Yours faithfully,

Y Sam


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