Stabroek News

Stewartville woman seeks answers after finding son dead at home

Although she found her 19-year-old son hanging in her house, a woman is not convinced that he killed himself and she wants answers from the police.

Shirlene Pershad, of Stewartville, West Coast Demerara, told Stabroek News that when she returned home on Monday, she found her son, Tyrell Pershad, hanging in her bedroom.

“When I came home from work the day and I walk in the house and I saw him there hanging and I run outside and I get he father and the neighbours and they went for the police,” the upset woman told Stabroek News.  However, upon summoning the police, Pershad explained that the story took a confusing turn when she was told that police had earlier escorted her son to the house.

Pershad explained that her son had been involved with a girl and from all indications they had secretly married each other and the girl’s parents had disagreed.

Tyrell Pershad

“From what I was told is that they [two police officers] went to his work place in CI [Cornelia Ida] and requested to see papers from him, which he was keeping at home” the woman said.

She added that it was reiterated to her that while her son went into the house, the two police officers remained outside and waited for him.

“They said that they waited for ten minutes and when he didn’t come out back, they rang his phone three times and he answered on the third and said he was coming,” she said.  However, the woman explained that several minutes after, they said that they heard a scuffle and a loud thud and started to shout for the man but there was no answer. “They said that after he didn’t answer they left and told the neighbours that if they see him must tell he the police looking for him. That don’t make any sense. Why would you leave?” the woman pointed. She said it was after these events that she returned home and found her son’s dead body.

She pointed out that every time she visited the police station since then, she has been given a different account of what occurred and she is feeling like they are trying to brush her aside. As a result, she wants answers.

“I don’t think what they said happened was true because when we check, the rope wasn’t even hanging properly and his feet were near to the ground ’cause he tall and the beams not far from him. He could stand and touch the roof, so I don’t understand what really happened and what they are trying to say happened,” the woman added.  The post-mortem examination is expected to be performed today.

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