The Labour Ministry should have a handbook of employment guidelines

Dear Editor,

It is nothing less than a nightmare to get a job in Guyana. One may be lucky with the timing of one’s application or the substantive quality of it, to be granted an interview. During the interview, it seems to go well, eye-to-eye contact is maintained, pleasantries exchanged and one may even be persuaded into sharing a little extra in the form of more attractive information about one’s history. At the end, one may hear that it is uncertain how one could fit into the advertised position or a suitable position, or that a vacancy would be created befitting one’s more illustrious qualifications.

Many workplaces are getting away with murder, so to speak, as the salaries paid are much lower than they should be, considering the type of position, the cost of living and the profitability of the company. Some lunch periods are 30 minutes. Working times go longer than the labour laws allow and overtime is not paid. Even the double time payment due for Sundays and holidays is overlooked by some employers. The Labour Ministry should have pamphlets or a handbook of employment guidelines and terms which should be made compulsory for employers to issue to each employee at the commencement of his/her employment. Even comfortable washroom facilities and a lunchroom should be mandatory and checked for conformity by the Ministry of Labour and its staff.

Workplaces are our second homes. These issues need to be addressed with vigour and seriousness.


Yours faithfully,

Conrad Barrow