As fashion month concludes in Paris, this season has brought about an incredible amount discourse and dispute among those in the fashion community. I feel people are coming to grips with the benefits of being real or at least there seemed to be a brief five-minute break from the charade.
My favourite part of the discourse was the one which involved the magazine editors at Vogue taking a swipe at fashion bloggers and Instagram famous people who get paid by big brands to advertise their clothing. I don’t know what instigated the editors’ verbal attack, but it was ironic coming from people who work for an establishment that does exactly the same thing and people who practice in the blogosphere. However, I sensed the green-eyed monster at work – people always seem to get annoyed when ‘civilians’ establish themselves in the fashion community. The dispute highlights the hierarchy that exists and how uncomfortable people get when the scene becomes more accessible.
I wondered to myself what my stance on the issue would have been had I