The future begins now: calm before the storm

By Louis Holder

Louis Holder is an entrepreneur in the manufacturing sector  

The commencement of this series of articles by Louis Holder represents an initiative undertaken by the Stabroek Business to encourage members of the business community to enjoin the ongoing discourse on issues pertaining to the Guyana economy, the global economy and the various ways in which Guyana is increasingly affected by the interdependent nature of the global community. We would particularly welcome comments, criticisms and points of view arising out of these articles. We hope that this initiative will open a floodgate.

This is the first of a brief series of opinion pieces on changes to employment in the future, causes of this upheaval, and some possible measures to mitigate their disruptive effects. Most of what is described in the foregoing is applicable to western developed countries but middle-income countries such as Guyana are in the crosshairs. The difference is timing. Further, Guyana does not possess the skills-set to prolong the onset of these changes. The country has received some service outsourcing jobs but these are low-skill positions. It is therefore shared with the public to help focus attention on the decision-making needed to avert the imminent calamity.