Stabroek News


The sweeping savannahs near Karanambu Ranch in the North Rupununi should be big enough to satisfy this Giant Anteater's daily appetite for 35,000 ants and termites. Digging with formidable claws that can kill a jaguar, and darting its 18-inch tongue into holes 160 times per minute, the giant anteater has been perfecting its foraging skills for 30 million years. (Photo by Kester Clarke)

Waking up at 4 am to get to remote locations before sunrise might not be your idea of fun, but for local wildlife photographer, Kester Clarke, it’s a great way to spend his weekends.

Kester began photographing wildlife three years ago, from a desire to share his observations and experiences with wild animals in their natural habitats. He often revisits the same areas to improve his chances of documenting rare or elusive species, but does not neglect the more common subjects typically found in Georgetown and the coastlands.

Find more of his work at

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