It all happens tomorrow night when the LARAMADE Musical Theatre Troupe brings joie de vivre, French for ‘The Joy of Life’ to the National Cultural Centre.
The production is a theatrical musical that tells a story of a group of artistes at a night club who felt trapped by their circumstances and desperately wanted to be liberated. The owner cared only about money and her artistes felt intimidated by her. But there was a rebel among them, who is the protagonist.
And as reported earlier because of the country’s 50th anniversary LARAMADE will pay homage through spoken-word, song and dance to their forebears and inspirations. They are/were Ron Robinson, Francis Quamina Farrier, Desiree Edghill, Margaret Lawrence, Daphne Rogers (who are expected to be onstage during the presentation) and posthumously Habib Khan, Robert Narain and Andre Sobryan.

Last December LARAMADE held a dinner/theatre production at the Pegasus Hotel.
The LARAMADE cast consists of: Launce (writer/dancer/actor), Oral (artistic director/dancer/ choreographer/actor), Linda (Public Relations Officer/actress/vocalist), Donna (actress/vocalist), Simone and Val Barnwell (vocalists). Tickets can be picked up at the NCC’s box office or contact LARAMDE on telephone numbers: 231-3644/615-5637.
Tickets for tomorrow’s show cost: $1,500, $2,000 and $3,000. There will also be two matinees for CSEC students on December 8, for a small fee of $400. Tomorrow’s show starts 8 pm and the matinees at 8 am and 1 pm.