I suppose it came as a surprise to many that I haven’t written a fashion Christmas wish list but I have grown to believe that consuming just for the sake of consuming takes away from one truly embracing fashion.
When we consume mindlessly, it propels us to buy things based on the feeling at the moment as opposed to the general feeling of excitement and love for a piece. In turn if we consume based on those momentarily highs we are more likely to become hoarders. Fashion then becomes clutter.
I have also learnt that there is no specific season in which one should engage in retail therapy. It should only be done when you are genuinely attracted to the item on sale. Christmas is one of those seasons that drives us to think that we should redo our entire look for one day. It’s the party season that makes us think a new frock is needed for every Christmas function or party.
For me this year as opposed to the other years where I would have done a Christmas splurge, I tried to be more conscious of my spending. There is nothing wrong with acquiring new clothes but there is something definitely wrong with buying them to forget about them two weeks later or buying them to have a staring contest with them in your closet.
I did however put together a Christmas wish list of things that I wish to see changed as it relates to fashion and it stakeholders.
Reuse and Recycle
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a dress, posting pictures on social media with it on and then wearing it again. We need to rid ourselves of the social stigma that is attached to recycling things we love, in addition to scorning thrift shopping. Attitudes like this promote classism not to mention clogged landfills. Please get over yourselves in 2017. Washing clothes and thrifting fashion have always been in style.
Political Partnerships
While the jubilee is on its way out and many would have already forgotten about that moment when Minister Cathy Hughes paraded on the runway outfitted in ‘Made in Guyana’. I want politicians and public figures to understand the importance of embracing ‘Made in Guyana’ in its entirety and not only when it’s convenient for a photo op. We need to support local culture. Secondly, as our economy is one that is wanting to be more green and energy efficient, I hope politicians can understand that clothing and fashion are not exempted from that movement. They should understand that fashion comes second after the oil for pollutant industries in the world, according to EcoWatch. In other words, I want you to walk your talk and embrace our local artisans
The bleaching cream ban
I know I would anger a lot bleaching fans by saying this but I want them off the shelves. Many people have already been conditioned into thinking that a Eurocentric standard of beauty is the only one that should be achievable. In a place like Guyana where racial tensions run high, we don’t need products that heighten racial anxieties and beauty standards, not to mention containing many contain harmful chemicals that are dangerous to health. Minister of Public Health Dr George Norton this is your cue, please grant me my Christmas wish.
The cultural policy
While we are expect to see a cultural policy in the near future (I hope) it should be noted that policies tend to work better when there is participation from everyone. Contrary to popular belief such things are not a one- man job.
Those who belong to the industry, designers in particular, and are its lifeline and need to have a more prominent role. I always found the feedback from stakeholders within this particular sector to be scattered. Fashion is a place where unfortunately we can allow jealously and greed to get the best of us; it’s the nature of industry. But we must be cognisant of how much we risk losing with such feelings.
All in all my hopes for the fashion industry extend far beyond garments. While it may grab some of us through its utilitarian profile it is important to remember it is also an art form and career choice for many. One with much power where our political and social values can be seen.