Region 5 farmers being misled about seed paddy availability

Dear Editor,

It is very sad that the Rice Producers Association representatives are misleading farmers in Region 5, when this association claims that it has the farmers’ interest at heart. I met with several rice farmers in the region over the past weeks to listen to their concerns, whether it was D&I, paddy availability, state of dams, etc.  Many of the farmers said that the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) does not have seed paddy available.  When I asked who told them this, they said the RPA reps.

I contacted GRDB Burma to know the facts and was told a different story.  I was told that there are almost five thousand bags of seed paddy in store presently and that the information provided to the farmers is far from the truth.

Firstly, let me state that RPA reps are not employees of the GRDB or the government.  This is a PPP arm.

Secondly, farmers believe the RPA reps because they visit GRDB Burma twice weekly, so the farmers took them at their word.  Why is it that RPA reps are allowed at GRDB facilities twice weekly when they are not government employees?

Thirdly, it’s a shame that because of misinformation many of the farmers had to source seed paddy elsewhere.  Some didn’t even get the amount they were looking for.

How can an association which claims to represent rice farmers be so misleading? Is this a way to bad mouth the government on the rice sector?

Dr Mahendra and staff at GRDB Burma are working on all crops in and out to ensure that farmers have the best, and for the RPA to be so misleading is discrediting these workers.

I call on GRDB to ensure that the RPA reps stay within their limits so that they can stop misleading the farmers in Region 5.

Yours faithfully,

Abel Seetaram


Regional Councillor

Region 5