PhotosScenes from yesterday’s Children’s Costume and Float ParadeBy Stabroek News February 21, 2016 (Photos by Keno George) Autoplay Autoplay1 of 19 St. Stephen’s Primary gracefully displaying their float, themed ‘Not one cuirass.’ This young one, spotted in St. Angela’s band, would not be left out of the festivities. Queen’s College- ‘Celebrating diversity through ethnic culture.’ Rupununi—the jewel in the crown. A student of Enterprise Primary School pausing for a photo op. Leading Guyana’s army. The Golden Arrowhead – a pupil of Winfer Gardens Primary Region 3’s float titled, ‘3 Bs and a Garden’ This Belle West Primary student is all decked out in garb fit for a golden jubilee celebration. These young ones from the Roxanne Burnham Nursery school were adorned in petals to depict the theme ‘Flowers blooming in unity’ Saint Barnabus Special School- Soaring on wings of eagles Lady Guyana’s diverse army, united to defend her sovereignty Glamour shot Blue Sackie Play School and Day Care held their mini float parades on Friday Mae’s Schools pupils proudly displaying their ethnic wear on Friday St. Agnes Primary School’s ‘Unity through Diversity’ Jump and put your hands up! A jaguar sighting: The National School of Dance’s floatComments