Stabroek News

Applications for landlines not declining

Dear Editor,

Something in the December 18, 2016 edition of Kaieteur News caught my eye: ‘Consumer body challenges GTT’s claim that landline applications declining.’

I support the consumer body on this, because it is not true. I removed from point A to point B and applied for a transfer for my landline in 2012. I went in several times to enquire about it, only to hear that they don’t know when I will get back a landline. This is poor service; all over the world homes have landline phones.

In the new schemes, residents need this service, because cell phones are expensive to maintain. Can the Minister of Public Telecommunications speed up this service please? If GTT can’t provide this service then let the government give the contract to Digicel or bring in some other company. GTT needs competition.

Yours faithfully,

I Braithwaite

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