Stabroek News

Parking meter company says ready to meet teachers union, disabilities body

Smart City Solutions (SCS) says it is prepared to meet with the teachers union and the disabilities commission over concerns that have been raised about parking meters.

In a statement yesterday, SCS said it has not in fact been approached by either the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) or the National Commission on Disabilities (NCD).

SCS further noted that while parking meters have already been mounted on City streets and while over more than a hundred parking meter foundations have already been installed throughout Georgetown, from what has been published in the press it seems than only a handful of meters are the subject of concern to the NCD.

The release said that SCS has spoken with and invited the NCD to meet with it and looks forward to holding a constructive discussion to ensure that the placement of the meters conform to internationally accepted standards and practice and  to minimize any impact on the free movement of persons with disabilities, in particular, persons who are blind.

In respect of the concerns raised by the Teachers Union, with regard to parking in the vicinity of schools, SCS says it also look forward to meeting with the GTU and pointed out that while it is essential for any properly functioning metered parking system to establish and adhere to general standards which are fairly and equitably applied across the board, exceptions to the rule may, however, apply.

Special arrangements such as Parking Permits for teachers and specific parking regulations in school areas are, in fact, consistent with international practice, SCS said.

“In the case raised by the Teachers Union, SCS stands ready to examine a customized solution, as has been done with other organizations and institutions with whom SCS have been engaged.

“We should point out that, at present, given the unregulated parking in the city, teachers have no choice but to compete with all other motorists searching for space to park even in front of their own schools. SCS is willing to consider, for instance, granting Parking Permits on application for spaces exclusive to teachers during prescribed times which would regulate those spaces on behalf of the Permit holders, thus guaranteeing them preferential access to parking in proximity to their schools”, the company said.

Paid parking commences on January 23rd, 2017.

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