Stabroek News

There must be an immediate investigation into the disappearance of court files contents in the Neezam Ali case

Dear Editor,

The disappearance of the medical reports and birth certificates of the 9 boys allegedly raped by Muslim scholar Neezam Ali from the court files warrants an immediate and thorough investigation, including enquiry as to all who had access to the files and thus the opportunity to remove evidence. No one must be exempt from the investigation.

The fact that this sexual offence case has languished in the court system for so many years, in effect denying these 9 young child survivors of sexual assault their right to a fair trial within a reasonable time, is a violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Guyana has signed and ratified.

The Sexual Offences Act paper committals provisions have been under appeal for a number of years since former (now retired) acting Chief Justice Ian Chang twice ruled in favour of the accused in two sexual offence cases and found that the provisions violate the constitutional right of those charged with sexual offences to confront their accusers. One of these accused is this same Muslim scholar Neezam Ali.

It is well known that rape and other sexual offences leave survivors physically and psychological traumatized, many never fully recovering from the brutality and horror of what has been perpetrated against them. The fact that these 9 child survivors now stand to be denied their right to justice is in itself criminal, points to corruption in the court system and exposes Guyana as a country where access to justice and justice itself can apparently be perverted by money, power, access and influence.

We will not stand by and allow the rights of Guyanese children to be trampled on by the executive, legislative or judicial branches of the state. We stand in solidarity with these 9 boys and all other child survivors of sexual offences who continue to be denied justice and the right to a life free from violence.

We call on the UN agencies in Guyana, and in particular UNICEF and all rights organizations to speak out publicly against the violation of the rights of child victims of sexual violence and to do all in their power to ensure that such rights are effectively protected.

Yours faithfully,

Danuta Radzik for Help & Shelter

Karen de Souza for Red Thread

Patricia Sheerattan-Bisnauth for Guyana Responsible Parenthood Assn


Vidyaratha Kissoon

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