Stabroek News

GRFU to stage Hong Kong Sevens Trials Saturday

The Guyana Rugby Football Union (GRFU) will be holding trials for the team scheduled to compete in the Hong Kong 7s this Saturday at the National Park rugby field.

The following players are asked to be at the venue at 15:30hr.

Rondel McArthur, Avery Corbin, Rickford Cummings, Sean Phillips, Ryan Gonsalves, Peabo Hamilton, Godfrey Brooms, Claudius Butts, Patrick King, Dwayne Schroeder, Elwin Chase Jamal Angus, Osei McKenzie, Lancelot Adonis, O’Neil Charles, Ryan Dey, Troyton Braithwaite, Kevon David, Akeem Fraser, Akieno James, Daniel DeAbreu, Kevin Wills, Lloyd Anderson Rashad Butcher, Glenroy Poole, Quacy Kendall, Kesto Mars and Michael Barrow.

Guyana qualified for the prestigious event after clinching their eighth Regional title.

The three-day Hong Kong 7s will kick off on    April 7.

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