Barleria repens commonly called Coral Creeper originated in South Africa.
The Coral Creeper is a scrambling flowering shrub with glossy green leaves and coral (reddish/orange) tubular flowers. It can grow to approximately two feet in height if left unattended.
It is best used as ground cover, in hanging baskets cascading down and or alongside a wall.
The Coral Creeper likes to be planted in well-drained, rich potting soil in full sunlight. It likes to be moist. Fertilize with Miracle Gro Bloom Booster once every two weeks; trim and groom regularly.
Baleria repens was named in honour of Jacques Barrelier, a 16th century French physician, botanist and plant collector. This plant has adapted well in Guyana, Florida and the Caribbean.
Until next week, Happy Gardening.